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Either Nola or Jill will be your first point of contact. They organise our emails, diary, bookings, newsletter, name badges, subs etc etc. You get the picture... They are the beating heart we can't do without.

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Martine does the maths and keeps us on track.


Our Choir is directed by Steve Dawe ably assisted by longstanding choir member Ruth and his daughter, Grace.



In 2005 just a few days before my father died, aged 64, he told me to chase my dreams with these words... "If there is anything you want to do in life, don't leave it until it's too late". As I had always loved gospel music I decided to join a local Gospel Choir. My search for a local gospel choir was in vain as there were none. So in short, with no formal music or choir training, I decided to set one up. 17 years on my first gospel choir has become a well-known and respected Gospel Choir and I have had the opportunity to be trained by and perform with some of the gospel greats in the UK. My goal is to pass on this burning passion for gospel music, so that others experience and share the fun, joy and freedom that this music brings. Gospel music is a message of hope and has the ability to pull people from dark places. Being asked to work with Salcombe Community Gospel Choir is an honour and a privilege and I will give you all the support I can. Having Ruth and my daughter support beside me is a mulit-facetted blessing too. Having seen them both grow in maturity and confidence as performers to the point where they can now lead, fills me with deep satisfaction. I'm sure dad would approve......




Ever since I saw LCGC in action when i was 12, I'd wanted to join a Gospel Choir! In 2008 (quite a few years later!) I heard about the Callington Community Gospel Choir and joined that September.  It's been quite a journey for me,  going from hiding at the back with very little confidence, to being encouraged and supported by Steve, to now leading alongside him for the last 6 years or so.  It's a joy and privilege I don't take for granted and I am looking forward to sharing that with you all at Salcombe. 

Outside of choir life, I work full time at an accountancy firm in launceston as the senior administrator.  I am married to Simon, have an 18 year old daughter and a stepson of 29 and am totally mad about cats!




I'm Steve's daughter and I've been singing for as long as I can remember. Dad started his gospel choir when I was 3 so I've grown up with gospel music and love to sing and teach it. When I was 14 I was diagnosed with autism and learning about it and how to live with it has been a long journey. I've been incredibly lucky to be surrounded by amazing people who have supported me, many of who are in gospel choirs.

Music has also become a very therapeutic part of my life. When you are singing you can lose yourself in the words and music so that anything that might be bothering you fades.......


I am so privileged to be a member of this wonderful community gospel choir and feel a great connection singing soul-stirring songs with such warm hearted people in this beautiful part of Devon.

Being a holistic fusion fitness teacher and sound therapist I feel singing from the heart with passion is so beneficial to mind, body, emotions and spirit. I am sure all the members benefit in some way and feel supported along their unique journey of life.

Vibrational energy is so important to our healing and I visualize all the cells dancing in my body with joy.  Having learnt bass guitar through lockdown too I know the benefits of rhythm, harmony, melody and brain gym are so beneficial to our wellbeing.


I have always sung with School and Church choirs since very young.  I started singing with this choir from the very early days and have seen it go from strength to strength with each Musical Director.  It has been a total pleasure.  The retirement of our last Musical Director and Covid nearly saw the choir finished off, but once we were able to start again; a few phone calls and here we are, back stronger than ever with the same wonderful spirit of support, caring and friendship.

My history.  From Yorkshire to Gloucestershire and onward to Hope Cove.  Having retired as an independent Financial Adviser spending more time in the voluntary sector.  Currently as a First Responder for South West Ambulance Service for the last 13 years, raising funds for Sense, children and young adults who are deaf and blind.  Also organizing long kayaking tours amongst other projects.

I always say to our lovely members that this is their choir.  And it is !


My first memories of singing were to be told: "quieter please Martine" and later told that I sounded like " a horse". So I mimed till I joined SGCC and received so much encouragement that years later I am still here and gaining in confidence and enjoying the journey..

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